Under the bed or in the hallway: where to keep money in the house to make more of it

22.03.2023 22:25

Each person achieves financial success in their own way, but everyone without exception wants money to grow, not to be spent.

Folk wisdom says that you need to know how to handle money. This especially concerns the rules for storing earned money at home. There are several rules on how to do this correctly.

Where and how to store money in the house so that there is more of it

1. Esotericists recommend storing cash, jewelry, and bank cards in a safe or a special metal (or wooden) box under lock and key. The presence of the latter attribute is of symbolic importance. It is believed that this will protect them from unnecessary spending.

The best places to store money are in the kitchen and hallway. It is desirable that they lie as high as possible from the floor.

2. If money is stored in bundles, then each bundle should contain an even number of bills. Esotericists have another old sign: an even number can be any, but not 50. "Five tens is a disadvantage," say experts in folk beliefs.

Photo: © Belnovosti

3. Esotericists believe that monetary energy should not stagnate, it needs to "flow". They advise to recount the available cash from time to time, swap the bills.

After each salary or receipt of funds from another source, the earnings should be brought home and not touched for 24 hours. The money should "sleep overnight" and not a penny should be spent for exactly 24 hours, advise esotericists.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor