Folk omens: 11 dangerous objects that should not be left on the table

21.03.2023 06:50

Poverty and adversity come into a person's life only if he does nothing to protect himself from them.

Folk wisdom says that whoever listens to the right advice will be able to avoid provoking fate. And if it is favorable to a person, then he will always be lucky to attract luck to his side.

The table in the house is considered the place where the whole family gathers. At the table they eat and have peaceful conversations.

To prevent any financial difficulties from coming into life, there are signs that say that it is not recommended to leave several items on the table. If you ignore this rule, then poverty and material problems are guaranteed in a person's life.

What 11 items are strictly forbidden to leave on the table

1. Dried flowers.

Photo: © Belnovosti

When a bouquet is given, it radiates a scent and freshness. And when it dries up, the bouquet turns into a dried-up herbarium. Withered flowers have no place on the table, otherwise financial problems will begin to attack its owner. According to popular belief, dried flowers attract negative energy into the house.

2. Hats and caps.

You can't put a hat on the table. This foretells a quick loss of finances, which will lead to poverty.

3. Documents.

The desk should always be kept in perfect order, then the person's thoughts will be positive. If the desk is piled high with various papers and documents, it will attract poverty to the house.

4. Dishes with uneaten food.

If there are dishes left on the table with food left in them, the plate should be removed. It is best to throw the uneaten food in the trash or give it to animals. If this is not done and the dishes stand like that all night, then after a while the person may experience financial difficulties. If you do not want to throw away food in the evening, you can simply leave it in the refrigerator until the morning.

5. Bread crumbs and leftovers.

Scattered crumbs foretell imminent troubles and misfortunes in the business environment. Crumbs should be cleaned up every time the family gets up from the table. If this is not done, then the person himself attracts financial problems to his family.

6. Wallet.

Wise people do not leave this item on the table. The energy of money is not always the same, so it cannot protect its owner from financial problems and quick expenses.

7. Forks, knives and other sharp objects.

An old sign says that all sharp objects should be hidden in their places. If you don't do this, you can quarrel with a loved one.

8. The keys are on the table.

There should be a specially designated place for keys in the house. If you constantly leave them on the kitchen table, then financial well-being will leave the house. And money will forget the way into this house for a long time.

9. Dirty dishes.

After every lunch or dinner, you should wash the dishes. Dirty cups and plates tend to create problems between people in love. And even the fact that you constantly leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight can ruin the relationship.

10. Money.

Bills and coins have no place on the kitchen table. If you constantly leave them there, you can bring financial bad luck to yourself.

11. Comb.

A personal hygiene item should have its place. If it is constantly left on the desk, the sign says that material difficulties will soon come into a person's life.

Folk omens exist in life to help you avoid various problems. Folk wisdom helps make life better and more positive.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor