Any housewife knows how difficult it is to deal with dust in the house, since it literally comes from the air.
Some people get tired of cleaning every day without seeing significant results.
However, there are a few clever ways that will help you keep your home in order for a long time.
Few people know that the detergent has an excellent ability to clean floors literally to a shine. It is also worth considering that dust will not settle on the surface for a long time.
Preparing a liquid for washing the floor is simple. You just need to add a cap of conditioner to the water and start cleaning.
By the way, this same product can be used to treat any surface in the house.
Many people use glycerin as a skin care product to improve the condition of their skin. But you can also use it while cleaning.
In a bucket of water you need to dilute a spoon of glycerin. The result will pleasantly surprise you.
This product helps to reliably clean the apartment from dust, dirt and germs. The advantage of salt is that it is always at hand.
To clean, simply add one spoon of salt to a bucket of water.