Moths can become very unpleasant "neighbors" as they cause significant damage to our clothes.
However, with the help of some tricks, you can force the insect to leave our wardrobe.
In ancient times, people believed that this product was a very effective means of fighting evil spirits. As it turned out, there is some truth in this: at least the aroma of the product is unpleasant to many pests, including moths.
Garlic cloves should be placed in the wardrobe. About once a week, it is worth replacing the cloves, as they lose their specific aroma.
The spice can also affect moths with its smell. In addition, the aroma of bay leaf is much more pleasant than that of garlic.
The effectiveness of these products is approximately the same.
This spice will also prevent moths from living peacefully in your closet, which will force the insect to leave it. You will need to take a sachet and fill it with allspice.
It is best to place the product on several shelves.