For many, wallpaper is the most popular option for covering walls, but it has an obvious drawback - the difficulty of removing stains.
It is especially difficult for people who have succumbed to modern trends and purchased spectacular white wallpaper.
However, stains can always be removed with due effort.
This method will allow you to remove the stain very efficiently and quickly. You will need to apply talc to the contaminated area and begin gentle treatment with the hard side of the sponge.
You can also consider using a brush. However, remember that it must be dry.
If your wallpaper is thick enough, then a regular eraser will come to the rescue. This office tool can quickly and carefully erase the stain.
Housewives who have wallpapered their kitchen walls face this problem. Due to the specifics of the room, the fight against greasy stains will always be relevant.
To deal with the problem, you need to warm up the iron and cool it down a little. The device should remain warm. Apply several layers of toilet paper or a regular napkin to the dirty area and press with an iron.
Repeat the procedure several times.