How to hang a horseshoe in your home to bring good luck: with the horns up or down

07.02.2023 11:13

At all times it was believed that the horseshoe is a symbol of good luck.

Perhaps the belief was based on the fact that the horse acted for our ancestors as a magical animal, which was associated with the sun god himself.

Alternatively, the roots of superstition grow from the blacksmith's craft, which was not just a type of activity, but a real art associated with something magical.

And the similarity of the horseshoe to the crescent moon only strengthened the belief that the talisman possessed miraculous powers.

Since the folk omen has survived to this day, it would not hurt to learn how to properly hang a horseshoe in the house so that its residents are always accompanied by good luck.

A horseshoe
Photo: Pixabay

It turns out that the location of the "accessory" depends on where exactly you decide to place the horseshoe.

So, if the place for the metal object was chosen to be the front door from the outside, then the horns of the horseshoe should point downwards – this is the only way it can protect against damage and the evil eye.

If you decide to attach the horseshoe from the inside, the horns should be directed upwards – this way you will attract goodness and prosperity into the house.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor