How to Achieve Perfect Cleanliness in the Bathroom: 8 Secrets

22.01.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 13:50

Cleaning the bathroom always takes a lot of time and effort from every person.

Therefore, it is worth remembering 8 secrets, thanks to which you can quickly restore order and achieve perfect cleanliness.

Drying cloths

Drying sheets are used by many people to add freshness to various items. But is this the only use for them?

Adding a few drops of water can quickly remove soap scum from walls, bathtubs and plumbing fixtures.

There is simply no easier way to get rid of soap scum right now.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Coffee filters

Dirty mirrors are a common problem. You can use expensive products and powerful chemicals. But why not do it easier?

If you have coffee filters on hand, they can help add shine to mirrors and other surfaces. Filters are a great replacement for paper towels, which are less effective.

Vinegar against mold

Mold in the bathroom is a common occurrence. You can use special chemicals or apply physical conditions.

Experts recommend mixing vinegar with water in a 1 to 1 ratio. This solution will help get rid of mold and will be a good preventative measure.

Toothpaste for polishing

Over time, unpleasant stains appear on plumbing fixtures. To get rid of them, you can use toothpaste. An important condition: toothpaste should not contain abrasive substances. The easiest way is to buy a budget toothpaste, it will cope with this task perfectly.

Joints between tiles

The joints between tiles begin to accumulate dust and various contaminants over time. You can use special products and brushes for cleaning.

This method cannot be called comfortable, as it takes too much time. It is more logical to treat all the joints with hydrogen peroxide and sprinkle with baking soda. The product is left on the surface for about 2 hours. Then you need to take a hard brush and go over the joints well. After the first cleaning, the joints will become noticeably whiter.

Salt and lemon against rust

The appearance of rust in the bathroom is always a matter of time. There is a simple recipe: you need to take salt and mix it with lemon juice. As a result, you should get a gruel, which is applied to all the places where rust has appeared. The gruel is left there for several hours, and then washed off with ordinary water.

Polishing with vinegar

Plumbing fixtures can be polished with vinegar. The method is simple: a rag is soaked in vinegar and all surfaces are treated. Vinegar copes well with soap stains and other dirt. After treatment with vinegar, you need to take a dry paper towel and polish the tap until it shines.

Car wax for shower cabin

If a fiberglass shower cabin is installed, various stains will constantly accumulate on its surface. As a preventive measure against such contamination, you can use car wax. The product is inexpensive and easy to use, so you can safely use it to achieve excellent results.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Drying cloths
  2. Coffee filters
  3. Vinegar against mold
  4. Toothpaste for polishing
  5. Joints between tiles
  6. Salt and lemon against rust
  7. Polishing with vinegar
  8. Car wax for shower cabin