How to get rid of wasps for a long time. The simplest and most effective ways

20.01.2023 00:30
Updated: 13.04.2023 13:16

A colony of wasps is very useful for a summer cottage because they destroy many harmful insects on fruit trees and berry bushes.

However, these insects are very dangerous for humans, because if they attack, they can bite hard, which will lead to serious health problems.

Therefore, if they have settled on the territory of the dacha near people, it is better to get rid of them.

First, it is worth protecting yourself from the bites of these insects. To do this, put on loose clothing, tuck it under your belt, gloves, pants, boots.

Have a flashlight and a few buckets of soil to cover the wasps with, ice cubes, a tourniquet and an antihistamine.

Photo: Pixabay

All relatives and pets should be kept in a safe place.

However, someone must be nearby to provide first aid and call an ambulance if necessary.

It is necessary to provide an escape route when the "operation fails" and you have to get out of there quickly.

There are many different chemicals available for killing wasps - insecticides in the form of sprays or concentrates for spraying.

Wasp control products

Boric acid, the preparations "Get" and "Delta Zone" are used as an insecticide, which is used as a poisonous bait for wasps.

The product "OtOs" is a substance that contains an insecticide and a fragrance to attract wasps.

Folk remedies for fighting wasps

A homemade trap can be easily prepared by hand.

To do this, take a plastic bottle, cut off a third of the top part of it and lower it upside down into the bottom part, into which pour fermented sweet jam mixed with insecticide.

The liquid should not touch the top of the bottle! The best time to fight wasps and their nests is in the fall or spring, when they have not yet settled in them. Or treat the nest with insecticides in the evening, when they are less active.

Once insects have crawled into a crack in a wall or floor, it will be very difficult to drive them out.

For this case, take a rubber or plastic tube and attach one end to a can of insecticide, and insert the other into a hard-to-reach place, before that, close all other exits and entrances so that the wasps do not fly out of them. After introducing poison inside, leave the tube for 10-15 minutes so that all the insects die.

You can use a regular vacuum cleaner, attach a long tube to it and secure it to any holder.

Bring the end of it one by one to the holes in the roof, from where the wasps fly out and will be sucked into the vacuum cleaner. The big minus of this method is that the wasps remain alive.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Wasp control products
  2. Folk remedies for fighting wasps