Iron marks will disappear in a second: a vegetable will help get rid of the stain

16.01.2023 15:30

Stains on clothes during ironing appear as a result of non-compliance with the requirements briefly described on the labels of the items.

Failure to comply with the temperature regime is one of the main reasons for the appearance of stains left by the hot sole of the iron.

Excessive heat exposure of equipment to items leads to two unpleasant consequences. Shiny areas are clearly visible on dark-colored clothing. Scorch marks are spots that are clearly visible on light-colored items.

But such a mishap should not be a reason to throw away clothes. If the iron left only a stain, but no hole, then you can fix the problem with a folk remedy.

You need to act immediately. Don't look for powders, just use onions. Grate the onion, squeeze out the juice and spread the mixture on the stain. Leave it like this for 15 minutes.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Then the problem area is washed with soap and rinsed. If the stain has only slightly faded, then the stain should be wiped with cotton wool soaked in vinegar.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor