Spiders appear in the house for a reason: there are two main reasons

14.01.2023 16:30

Living next to spiders in the modern world cannot be called the norm.

If there are more of them in your house or apartment, then this is a reason to think.

Folk omens, dreams of wealth or a solid inheritance have nothing to do with it. The issue is something else.

There are two key reasons why spiders have begun to settle en masse under the ceiling, in the bathroom and other places of the home.

Insects love dampness and dirt, so a large number of arthropods hints that it is time to clean up the house. General cleaning and regular airing will quickly solve the problem.

Photo: Pixabay

But the number of uninvited guests can increase even in cases where order reigns in the home. Spiders are attracted by midges, mosquitoes, and flies, which are part of the arthropods' diet.

Most often, this is what happens: flower flies start up in pots with indoor plants, and spiders appear after them. Having gotten rid of the winged insects, you can forget about the arthropods.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor