What will change in the payment of benefits for families with children from January 1, 2025

16.12.2024 21:04

From January 1 of next year, the law on state benefits for families raising children comes into force.

The law is intended to strengthen targeted support for expectant mothers, families with disabled children, and families with minor children and an adult disabled child.

This was reported by the Minsk-Novosti agency with reference to the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

How the procedure for paying benefits for families with children will change from January 1, 2025

The main changes will affect expectant mothers. Thus, for certain categories of expectant mothers (pupils and students; those serving; registered as unemployed before six months after dismissal or completion of training/service), the minimum maternity benefit will increase from 50 to 100% of the subsistence minimum budget (from 218.9 to 437.8 roubles).

For expectant mothers working under employment contracts for less than six months, the specified benefit will increase from 50% of the minimum wage to 100% of the minimum wage (726 rubles from January 1).

Photo: © Belnovosti

All working women will be entitled to increased payments if, during the calculation period (18 months), contributions to the Social Security Fund were paid from amounts not lower than the minimum wage. If contributions are paid below the minimum wage, the benefit will be calculated from the income from which the contributions were paid.

The minimum benefit for temporary disability due to child care for insured persons who do not have six months of work experience will increase from 50% of the minimum subsistence minimum to 100% of the minimum wage.

The right to receive benefits for children aged 3 years and over will be granted to families with minor children and an adult child with a first-group disability who is cared for by one of the parents who receives a care allowance.

Women raising a child over three years of age will have a similar right if the father, who is obligated to pay alimony, is doing military/alternative service.

In addition, families with disabled children will be able to receive all types of state benefits during the short-term stay of the disabled child in a children's home to provide him with medical and social assistance.

Parents/other persons will be able to receive a benefit for caring for a minor disabled child during the period of their education/retraining at the direction of the employment service.

Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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