Belarusians told why sick leave payments may be lower than average earnings

14.11.2024 09:21

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Belarus named the reasons why sick leave payments may be lower than the average salary.

The press service of the department reported on this feature of the temporary disability or maternity benefit in its official Telegram channel.

The Ministry of Labor cites recorded interruptions in work activity during the billing period as one of the reasons for the amount of payment being lower than the average salary.

Please note: the specified period does not exclude days of unemployment of the citizen.

Other reasons

The second reason: during the billing period, they worked for a long time only under a civil law contract, and it ended.

Photo: © Belnovosti

According to the department, amounts of remuneration under civil law contracts are not included in the average daily earnings for calculating sick leave within the framework of labor relations.

The third reason: the person received his salary in “envelopes”.

The amounts of salary in “envelopes”, even after additional contributions to the Social Security Fund, are not included in the income for calculating the average daily earnings, the Ministry of Labor noted.

Period and income for calculation

As for the period for calculating the amount of sick leave, “it is calculated from the employee’s salary for 18 calendar months preceding the quarter of illness.”

Regarding income when calculating sick leave. The following are taken into account:

– for those who work under employment contracts – all income in the billing period;
– income on which contributions to the Social Security Fund for social insurance are accrued (except for wages in “envelopes”);
– for those who work under civil law contracts – all income accrued under such a contract (sick leave is paid if it was opened during the period of the civil law contract).

Sick leave amount

The ministry also explained what the amount of sick leave depends on:

– from the amount of salary in 18 months;
– from the duration of the work period of 18 months;
– from the duration of the period of payment of mandatory insurance contributions since 2003.

The Ministry of Labor informed: sick leave is assigned separately under an employment contract - at the main place of work, taking into account part-time earnings.

If we are talking about a civil law contract, then – for each place where the work is performed.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Other reasons
  2. Period and income for calculation
  3. Sick leave amount

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