Belarus proposes to change conditions for pension delivery for young city pensioners

15.10.2024 17:18

In Belarus, it is planned to change the conditions for the delivery of pensions to young pensioners living in cities.

This was reported by the head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Natalia Pavlyuchenko on October 15 following a report to the president on improving social support for the population.

The minister's statement is cited by BELTA .

How it is proposed to change the conditions for pension delivery

As Pavlyuchenko said, the head of state was presented with a draft of the corresponding decree. The president generally supported it.

One of the provisions of the decree provides for changes to certain conditions for the delivery of pensions.

Photo: © Belnovosti

As is known, from July 1, the procedure for paying pensions, benefits for caring for a pensioner aged 80 years or older or a disabled person of the first group, and benefits for families with children for citizens living in the capital, cities of regional subordination and district centers has changed.

These payments are now made primarily through banks.

However, the practice of application has shown that there is a request from city pensioners under 70 years of age, not disabled persons of the first or second group, for delivery of pensions by mail or to the home by a postman.

For these pensioners, it is proposed to introduce the right of compensation, that is, they will be able to pay for the delivery of the pension at their own expense at established rates. According to the minister, the payment will be small - 6-8 rubles.

Pavlyuchenko clarified that this only applies to certain categories of pensioners. The changes will not affect pensioners over 70 years of age and disabled people of the first and second groups.

Among recipients of child benefits, the innovations will not affect disabled persons of the first and second groups and families with a minor disabled child.

The innovations will also not affect recipients of pensions, care allowances and child benefits living in rural areas.

These categories of citizens are still given the right to choose to receive payments by mail (at the cash desk or with home delivery) or by bank (at the cash desk or on a card).

Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor