Young man sentenced to one month of arrest for failure to appear at military registration and enlistment office

27.09.2024 18:32

The Borisov District Prosecutor's Office supported the state prosecution in the criminal case against B., born in 2004, for committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 435 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.

B. was accused of being, in accordance with Protocol No. 39/1 of 17.11.2022 of the meeting of the draft board for assignment to the draft station of the Borisov and Krupsky districts of the military commissariat, a conscript into the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and subject to conscription for urgent military service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 48 of 12.02.2024 "On discharge into the reserve and conscription for urgent military service, service in the reserve", deliberately evaded measures to conscript for military service in the period from 28.03.2024 to 31.05.2024.

The evasion was expressed in the fact that B., having been warned in writing on 16.11.2022 about criminal liability under Article 435 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus for evading events on conscription for military service, while in the building of the military commissariat of the Borisov and Krupki districts of the Minsk region at the address: Borisov, Lyusi Chalovskoy Street, 58, personally received a summons dated 15.05.2023 to appear at the military commissariat of the Borisov and Krupki districts of the Minsk region by 9.00 on 28.03.2024 to undergo a medical examination, which is one of the events on conscription for military service, at the appointed time he deliberately, without good reason, did not arrive at the event on conscription for military service, did not provide any supporting documents.

Subsequently, knowing that a conscription campaign was underway, B. did not arrive at the military commissariat until 31.05.2024 inclusive, that is, until the end of the next conscription, thereby preventing the conscription commission from making a decision on his fulfillment of military duty.

At the court hearing, the accused B. pleaded guilty in full.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Moreover, his guilt was proven by the totality of evidence collected and examined in court.

Taking into account the circumstances of the criminal case and the personality of the accused, the Borisov District Court found B. guilty of evading military service, i.e. committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 435 of the Criminal Code, on the basis of which B. was sentenced to arrest for a period of 1 month.

The sentence has not entered into legal force and can be appealed and contested in the appellate procedure.

The material was prepared by the senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Borisovsky district I. Yu. Bykova especially for the information and news portal "Belnovosti" (Certificate of state registration of mass media (mass media) No. 2 dated December 21, 2018).

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor