Red Level. Storm Warning Declared in Belarus

02.09.2024 14:44
Updated: 27.09.2024 16:21

A storm warning has been issued in Belarus. It will be in effect for three days – from September 3 to September 5 inclusive.

The reason for this is the restless heat, which refuses to admit that it is now autumn.

Meteorologists see the most difficult situation on these days in the Gomel region, where extreme fire danger will remain (5th class of fire hazard).

In addition, Belhydromet warned of an unfavorable hydrometeorological phenomenon (orange danger level) for September 3.


According to weather forecasters, on Tuesday in the south of the republic the thermometer readings will rise to +31 degrees.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In general, the next 24 hours will be marked by variable cloudiness, with mostly no precipitation.

As for the wind, an easterly quarter is expected with a speed of 4 to 9 meters per second.

On the night from Monday to Tuesday, the air temperature in the country will be from +12 to +18 degrees, during the day - from +26 to +31 degrees.


In Minsk, September 3 will be marked by variable cloudiness, no precipitation and 27-29 degrees Celsius.

Almost identical weather conditions will be established in Brest, where, however, it will be hotter – from +29 to +31 degrees.

And in the city of Vitebsk, almost the same weather situation is possible. But it is colder - from +26 to +28 degrees.

Also variable cloudiness without precipitation - Mogilev, Gomel and Grodno. Temperature - 28-30 degrees with a plus sign.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

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