Lost Sheep Sets New Guinness Record: Its Wool Was Enough for 30 Sweaters

28.11.2024 10:45

A sheep named Chris from Australia can boast of an amazing life filled with bright events.

The animal's adventures began with it getting lost.

It is not known exactly how long the sheep had been wandering around the meadows and fields – it is assumed that about 5-6 years had passed before tourists accidentally found it.

When she was found, the amount of fur she was wearing accounted for almost half of her body weight.

To give specific figures, the sheep produced 40 kg of wool – this amount is enough for 30 sweaters.

Photo: © Belnovosti

True, the sheep's wool is too long to be sold - most likely, it will be placed in a museum, where it will become a valuable exhibit.

According to the owners who sheared her, this was the first time in the sheep's life that she had undergone this procedure.

The sheep had to be put under anesthesia to shear the wool. When it woke up without its wool cover, it was in good condition.

For reference

The Australian Merino is a breed of fine-wool sheep developed in Australia.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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