Sumaiya Khan from Bangladesh has entered the Guinness Book of World Records after she managed to eat 37 grains of rice in one minute.
What's so special about that, you ask, and we'll tell you - the girl was eating rice with chopsticks.
To receive the record holder certificate, Sumaiya had to fulfill a number of conditions.
A grain of rice was counted as eaten only if the girl managed to grab only one grain with her chopsticks and bring it to her mouth.
If two or more grains stuck to the sticks, the attempt was disqualified.
In addition, rice had to be carried to the mouth with chopsticks, and not tipped from the bowl into the mouth.
As a result, Khan was able to exceed the previous record holder's figure by as much as 10 grains of rice.
The 24-year-old Bangladeshi was encouraged to set the record by her colleague.
As Sumaya herself admitted, she believed that she could cope with the task, since for several years in a row she has been eating any food exclusively with chopsticks.
This passion came to her during the time when she was interested in Korean culture and ramen.
It was then that Khan got her own chopsticks, and since she is a resident of Bangladesh, she has to eat rice almost every day.
The newly-minted record holder said that in the future she would not mind breaking a couple more achievements, but for now she will stop at what has been achieved.