Many people would like their pets to be smart animals, since it is easier to establish contact with them, build relationships and raise them.
This is not always possible, since all cats have different intelligence levels.
It is considered to be one of the smartest breeds, so the owners are very lucky. It is worth noting that Siamese cats can easily master even the litter box and flushing, which is rarely even dreamed of.
Representatives of this breed are also easy to train.
The advantage of the breed is its curiosity: if a Bengal cat is interested in something, it will be happy to learn it.
Therefore, with the right approach, there should be no problems with education.
Representatives of this breed have one unique ability: they are able to "read" a person. In this way, they understand who is the boss in the house, who is worth "cuddling up to".
Also, orientals and sphinxes are excellent at reading a person’s mood.