Louder than a drill: who has the loudest male burp in the world

19.05.2024 18:48

Australian Neville Sharp's burp has been named the loudest burp in the world by a man.

Its level on July 29, 2021 (then the record was set) reached 112.4 decibels, which is louder than the sounds produced by an electric drill or trombone.

Neville's sister Sandy taught him the "art" of burping.

He mastered this skill at the age of six and then worked to perfect his craft.

Forty-five years later, Sharp decided to try to get an official Guinness World Record for the loudest male burp.

Photo: Pixabay

This was to some extent facilitated by the Australian's wife, Kay Pee, who literally insisted that her husband set this record.

So the relationship with his wife did not become an obstacle on the path to achievement – the difficulty was in something else: the availability of equipment that could measure the noise level.

In the end, a solution was found: the record was recorded in a studio with special acoustics that prevented the occurrence of extraneous noise and did not amplify the sound.

This made it possible to obtain accurate noise level values in decibels.

Earlier we talked about the longest rainbow in the world.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources