Former Judge Schmidt Announces Opening of Polish Pravda Foundation in Belarus

24.09.2024 14:01

Former Polish judge Tomasz Schmidt announced the opening of the Polska Pravda foundation in Belarus, where he currently resides.

This structure was organized by a foreigner with the goal of conveying to his compatriots, as well as to residents of other Western countries, the truth that the local authorities were hiding from them.

According to Schmidt, the situation is such that in his home country, as in the entire EU, resources broadcasting “correct and verified information” are currently being blocked.

It can only be transferred from Belarus and Russia, the Belta agency quotes the former judge as saying.


The author of the project says that its goal is to convey to residents of Western countries “knowledge about European and American politicians.”

Photo: screenshot from ONT TV channel video

Also, Polska Pravda will talk about the connections of these politicians with the secret services and about corruption.

Schmidt recalled that he has been in Belarus for six months already. During this time, he has not lost contact "with people in Poland, the European Union, the United States."

He says: information comes from there, but there is no way to pass it on.

I have X, Telegram, but this is not what is needed for the information to work and have an impact on internal affairs, political affairs, on good relations between Belarus, Russia and Poland. In my opinion, this should be done through a foundation, - said the foreigner.

Promotion of people

He also spoke about the foundation’s plans to “promote people” who support the ideas of good neighborliness and peace.

Work will be carried out to reduce the influence of the US and Great Britain, the ex-judge outlined another area of the foundation’s activities.

He added: to solve the set tasks, it is planned to create publications not only in Polish, but also in Russian, Belarusian, English and German.

But not all information will be posted. We need to take care of the people who remained in Poland and other countries so that they do not have problems, Schmidt said.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Information
  2. Promotion of people