The European Union has decided to tighten migration controls on the borders with Russia and Belarus

18.10.2024 09:00

The leaders of the European Union have decided to strengthen migration controls on the borders of the union with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

This is evidenced by the content of one of the documents.

We are talking about the final statement of the summit on migration, TASS reports.

The EU noted that Russia and Belarus have no right to “abuse European values” and “undermine democracy.”

By “European values” the association meant, among other things, the right to asylum.

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The EU's highest political body has declared its solidarity with the states that are part of the community and "face challenges."

The final statement states the European Council's intention to take all possible measures to ensure border control "by any means necessary".

In addition, the document states the European community’s readiness to help those countries of the association that border Russia and Belarus.

The issue is about assistance in the "fight against migrants". The following goal is named: "Stopping the instrumentalization of migration for political purposes."

Let us recall that the Baltic republics and Poland have repeatedly made accusations against the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

Thus, representatives of EU member countries said that Moscow and Minsk allegedly send migrants to them from the Middle East and Asian regions.

Border guards from Poland and Lithuania are using tough measures to combat migrants, thereby violating European Union norms. However, these countries deny the accusations.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief