You have to be careful with them. These cats have a dog-like character.

24.01.2025 05:20

There are cats that have a truly dog-like character. You have to be careful with them.

Yes, they are very sweet, loyal and easy to train. They don't even mind being walked on a leash.

But under certain circumstances they can show such a temper that it will not seem like a little. After all, they are from the tribe of predators.

For example, the Siberian cat, famous for its guard abilities, clearly exhibits a dog-like character.

Invaluable experience of survival in the wild makes itself felt in “peaceful” life with owners.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Pros: such cats are extremely attentive to their surroundings and, if they suspect anything, will immediately warn a person.

Friendly in principle, but the stern appearance matches the character. It is better not to offend such animals - revenge will not take long to come.

And Kurilian Bobtails are natural-born hunters. Therefore, it is better not to keep them together with small animals.

These cats easily become attached to people, are loyal, and can be trained.

They are also very smart. You should not offend such pets once again and test in practice how their dog character manifests itself.

The Siamese cat is a devoted animal, follows its owner and loves to participate in all his affairs.

But, as many know, they have a temperament. If you don't like something, they can organize the end of the world.

Ural Rex - representatives of this breed are very active and sociable. They love to sit on the owner's lap.

They are easy to learn commands and get along well with other animals.

However, if something is considered to be infringing on their cat rights, Rexes can snap back like dogs.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor