Do you still think that dogs are dressed in jackets and boots only for photo shoots and cuteness?
Let me reassure you: dog clothes serve more than just a decorative function.
The thing is that some of our four-legged friends are completely unadapted to difficult weather conditions.
These are, first of all, representatives of such breeds as Chihuahua, French Bulldog and other short-haired miniature dogs.
In addition, overalls are highly recommended for animals such as Pembroke Welsh Corgis and other stocky dogs.
Because their belly is close to the ground, it can come into contact with snow and ice – you must admit, additional protection certainly wouldn’t hurt.
If you are the owner of a thin dog with short hair, be sure to buy clothes for the cold season. The same should be done by owners of dogs that are regularly trimmed - poodles, etc.
But even huskies and Alaskan Alamutes with their thick coats may need clothing sometimes. We are talking about older animals, whose ability to maintain optimal body temperature decreases with age.