Why does a dog lick the floor: never ignore this behavior of your pet

17.01.2025 17:25

It happens, and not so rarely, that your dog starts licking the floor.

You shouldn't ignore such behavior of the animal. Yes, sometimes it's nothing serious, but sometimes it indicates health problems in the dog.

So how do you know why your pet is licking the floor? Should you be concerned? Below are the most common reasons.

Leftover food

There are food scraps on the floor. The dog is intensively licking the place where, for example, a piece of cutlet ended up.

Therefore, it is recommended to keep your home clean and remove all potential food remnants so that your animal is not tempted once again.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The Explorer Dog

The second possible reason is that the dog is exploring a new place in this way.

When entering unfamiliar territories, such as your friends’ apartment or a veterinary clinic, the dog begins to actively explore previously unknown locations.

In this case, licking the floor is one of the options for exploring a new space.

To prevent your four-legged friends from behaving this way, you should teach them basic commands and reward them for correct behavior.


The third reason is stress. A dog may lick the floor after being attacked by another animal or after experiencing a stressful event.

If this behavior continues even after the animal has calmed down in its usual environment, you should contact a veterinarian.


Boredom and lack of attention can also be one of the reasons for licking the floor.

Usually, animals that lack physical activity and mental stimulation “brighten” their loneliness in this way.

The problem can be solved by devoting more of your time to your pet, playing with it, and teaching it new tricks.


Also, a dog starts licking floors when it has certain health problems.

Or if there is a lack of vitamins and minerals.

To understand whether your dog is sick (and if so, what it is sick with), you need to contact a veterinarian.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Leftover food
  2. The Explorer Dog
  3. Stress
  4. Loneliness
  5. Disease