How to Wash a Cat If It's Afraid of Water. A Time-Tested Practice

01.02.2025 05:20

Many cat owners have probably encountered the problem of bathing their furry friends.

What should you do if your pet is afraid of water, but you really don’t want to injure him?

Experienced citizens in this field recommend a practice that has been tested over the years.

First of all, they say, special shampoos for cats should be used for bathing.

The bath should be filled with warm water - the volume is such that the cat is half in the water.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If the cat is very afraid of bathing, it is recommended to use dry shampoo.

We rub it into the animal’s fur and then brush it out thoroughly.

Let's return to the bath procedure, assuming that your cat is not so timid.

Place it in water (remember: it should be half in water) and thoroughly wet the area around the neck.

It is advisable not to wet the animal's head and ears.

During the procedure, talk to your purr-fect pet, gently pouring water over the pet’s body with your palms.

Do not bathe your cat in too cold or, on the contrary, too hot water. As well as under a tap or running shower.

To calm your pet, use his favorite treats while bathing.

In this case, the cat will be more distracted by food and less worried about the water procedure.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor