Why Cats Are Afraid of Water: This Rule Doesn't Apply to All Pets

22.07.2024 18:25

Perhaps the main fear of a cat, which seriously poisons its life, is the fear of water.

To understand the reasons for this fear, it is worth starting with the fact that in its natural habitat, a cat does not feel the need to bathe.

Despite the fact that the animal is an excellent swimmer, it is unlikely to go into the water voluntarily.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule - in the wild, the tiger is a fan of swimming, and among domestic animals - representatives of such breeds as the Maine Coon, Turkish Van, Bengal, etc.

The rest of the cats experience not even fear, but disgust towards water. The answer to why this happens should be sought in the fur of the pets.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The thing is that the fur is designed in such a way that the hairs hold air between themselves, providing the animal with warmth. Even if the cat has short fur, it will still be comfortable.

Water, getting between the hairs, displaces the air, and the cat begins to freeze.

In order to dry faster, she is forced to lick herself for a long time. This activity takes a lot of time, but despite this, the cat cannot reach all areas of the body.

As a result, our pets freeze for several hours and then take a long time to warm up.

Thermoregulation disrupted by bathing has a negative impact on the animal’s health – it’s no wonder that it doesn’t feel warm feelings towards water.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources