Cat owners often see their pet in a cute pose – the cat is sleeping on its back with its paws spread out.
This usually indicates that the pet is happy and trusts its owners, but there may be other reasons.
The mother cat licks her kittens' fur, paying special attention to their tummies. For animals, this is a hygienic procedure and prevention of digestive problems. After such a massage, the kittens feel good, calm and relaxed, and quickly fall asleep.
The grown pet keeps this moment from childhood in his memory, and sleeping on his back gives him peace.
The pose on the back with the paws up, as we have already said, can be considered a sign of the cat's trust in the owner and the environment. The pet behaves this way when there is a warm relationship between it and its owner. The pet perceives the person as a protector and trusts him to guard its sleep.
If you see a cat lying in this position, bending and hanging from surfaces, it means that it is completely happy and content with life.
Cats have sensitive spines, so they look for a soft surface to sleep on. In this position – on their back – there is no pressure on the animal’s spine, which means that it can enjoy and fully relax.
In a position on its back with its paws spread out to the sides, the cat's body cools down faster - this is what it strives to achieve if the room is hot. The explanation is that due to the smaller volume of fur in the abdominal area, heat exchange occurs faster.
Earlier, BelNovosti wrote about how to understand that a dog is getting old .