Many people are primarily guided by an emotional impulse when deciding to get a pet.
Such an ill-considered decision can become a source of trouble.
After some time, the person realizes that he “can’t pull” the dog, but during this time the dog has managed to become attached.
It is impossible to leave a dog alone for a long time: it needs not only food, but also walks and communication. Pet hotels cannot fully satisfy the animal's need for communication, especially if there are many "guests".
Also, don’t forget that the dog becomes attached to you personally, experts remind.
Of course, it is embarrassing to admit this even to yourself, but at the moment of making a decision, it is worth looking the truth in the eye. A dog is a friend for adults and responsible people who are able to provide it with full and high-quality care.
Therefore, it is better for an irresponsible person not to have a pet.
It is worth understanding that keeping a dog costs a lot of money. You cannot feed the animal with low-quality food. You will not be able to save on medicines or antiparasitic agents.
Veterinary services are also quite expensive.
Therefore, you need to calculate whether you can take custody of a dog.
Earlier we talked about the reasons why a dog wants to sleep in the same bed with its owner .