Not everyone knows what to do when meeting a pack of stray dogs. However, everyone knows how such a meeting can end.
In this case, all means are good for protection, but until it comes to that, you need to know how to behave with animals.
First of all, the expert advises to protect children from encounters with stray animals, for which it would be a good idea to plan a route.
This is especially true for parents, who must choose the safest route for their children to get to school or around the city, dog trainer Alexander Malinovsky said in an interview with RT.
First, you need to try to stay calm and act confident. You can't provoke aggression in animals.
Secondly, you need to turn around and press your back against any wall, and protect yourself from the front with a bag, backpack or any other object that the dog can grab onto.
Thirdly, having taken up a defensive position, you need to call for help.
Among other things, you can use pepper spray, but it does not guarantee 100% protection.
The most important thing in such a situation is to behave “like a predator, not like prey,” the expert emphasized.
Previously, we talked about the habits of cats that their owners might be ashamed of.