Why does a cat meow loudly and run around the apartment at night: 3 possible reasons

03.10.2023 06:50

Some furry four-legged friends like to put on "concerts" at night.

Loud meowing, screaming and running of cats prevent people from sleeping.

But the problem is not only in a person’s possible lack of sleep.

The owner also needs to think about the following: overly active nighttime behavior may indicate very serious problems in the animal.

Health problems

Your pet may be in pain. This explains the loud meowing. Take your pet to the vet: perhaps the specialist will find the source of the problem.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is possible that the cat screams at night due to a hormonal surge. In such a situation, it is not always a question of health problems. But it may be worth taking your pet to a veterinary clinic.


Cats are animals whose peak activity often occurs during the dark hours of the day.

And it turns out that the pet wants to play at the moment when the owner is sleeping.

The four-legged friend becomes bored, which explains the strange behavior.


It is usually quiet at night. Any loud sound heard during this period will obviously be unexpected for the fluffy one.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a frightened pet began to meow loudly and run around the apartment after something fell in the room or someone shouted outside.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Health problems
  2. Boredom
  3. Fear