5 actions of the owner that the dog will clearly not like: don't do this

12.09.2023 06:50

Dogs don't like everything their owner does.

This includes both things that are obviously dangerous for pets (such as physical punishment) and actions that seem harmless to many people.

It turns out that our four-legged friends don't like being hugged.

Pets also react negatively to many other human actions.

To be left alone for a long time

Dogs do not like to stay alone in the apartment. Pets get bored and even scared. They may feel abandoned.

Photo: © Belnovosti

As a result, animals redirect negative emotions by starting to chew furniture and make a mess in the apartment.

To avoid this, try not to leave your dog alone for long periods of time. And if such a need arises, give the dog to relatives or friends for a while.

Trying to dress a pet

The jacket may look cute on the dog. But you need to understand that dogs in most cases do not need clothes. Moreover, pets often feel uncomfortable in them.

So, don't dress your dog just for the sake of beauty. Do it only if the animal needs to be protected from the cold.


Many owners will be surprised, but dogs do not like to be hugged.

Such an action on the part of a person is perceived by pets as an attempt to demonstrate dominance.


Yes, pets can remember many words. But a dog is unlikely to understand entire sentences.

But gestures are perceived by animals much better.

Rushing during a walk

When walking a dog, a person should not walk too fast.

Otherwise, the walk will turn into punishment and disappointment for the pet. Give the animal the opportunity to thoroughly explore the surrounding space.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. To be left alone for a long time
  2. Trying to dress a pet
  3. Embrace
  4. Talkativeness
  5. Rushing during a walk