Even in ancient times, people considered cats to be magical creatures, and some still believe that these animals are able to foresee the future.
Let's try to figure out together whether there is a grain of common sense in such points of view.
Of course, it is not worth classifying cats as wizards, but it is also impossible to deny that they have excellent intuition, because more and more owners notice that their pets are able to foresee certain things.
As strange as it may sound, cats are able to sense that a volcano is about to erupt, the earth is about to be shaken by tremors, or a powerful downpour accompanied by lightning and thunder is about to hit the city.
When faced with approaching danger, animals begin to behave strangely - they scream, try to hide, and look for a safe place for their kittens.
This is explained by the fact that cats have highly developed sense organs and are able to sense vibrations in the earth's crust, atmospheric pressure, changes in air composition, and other things.
While it has not yet been possible to prove that a person’s aura and energy field change during illness and before death, no one has any doubts about changes in smell.
A cat's keen sense of smell tells it that something is wrong with a person.