Every time they enter their home, many people hear the meowing or purring of a furry creature.
Some people do not pay any attention to this phenomenon, but others begin to worry.
The question often arises: “Is the animal trying to convey some information to the owner?”
It turns out that in such a situation the cat really wants to “tell” the person something.
If your four-legged friend constantly makes these sounds when meeting his owner, then this most likely means the following: the furry one needs attention.
Apparently, the cat missed a person. In such a situation, the pet needs to be stroked. In addition, you can play with it.
There is no clear answer to this question. On the one hand, a cat purring when meeting a person is a bad sign: the animal is left alone too often and for too long.
The pet clearly lacks interaction with people. He is constantly bored. It is desirable that the cat's owner still finds time to "communicate" with his furry four-legged friend.
On the other hand, a cat meowing after a person returns home is a good sign: the pet clearly loves its owner.
If the cat were indifferent, it would hardly react in any way to the appearance of a person.