What to do if a dog digs holes in the area: signs, myths and simple advice

22.05.2023 16:23

The pride of any owner of a summer cottage or land plot is a lawn. This is an expensive pleasure that requires care.

It is understandable if a mole hole suddenly appears on it. But what to do when man's faithful friend, a dog, starts to cause harm. Let's figure out what to do if an animal digs holes on the site.

If a dog digs a hole not on the lawn or in a garden bed, then there is no particular harm in this. Although not everyone agrees with this. Let's find out what can happen if a dog digs the ground.


Extremely impressionable dog owners believe that if a pet starts digging a hole on the property, it means that someone will get sick, or another disaster should be expected.

The reality is that the pet does this not intentionally, not out of spite, but simply obeying instinct.

Animal Dog
Photo: © Belnovosti


Firstly, dogs do this in hot weather. There is no point in stopping them – the pet will dig until it finds a cool layer of earth to lie down on and cool off.

Secondly, this is what dogs do when they are expecting puppies.

Thirdly, if the hole is under the fence or near the gate, then most likely your friend is planning an escape.

Fourthly, the dog could smell something interesting – a bone or other supplies.

And lastly, the dog simply has nothing to do, or, on the contrary, it hunts moles, mice and other rodents.

How to wean your pet

1. Start giving your dog as much time as it needs. Exhausting walks, games, etc. will help, after which the dog will think about only one thing: to lie down and fall asleep.

2. Perhaps the dog needs to have a personal space somewhere in the shade of the area, and also provide it with the necessary amount of clean water.

3. You need to distract your pet from the activity. A loud and sharp shout, command or other sound works best.

4. If this doesn’t help, you will have to treat the lawn with a repellent solution.

5. The best option is to show the dog a place where he can dig a hole even to groundwater and nothing will happen to him for it. This cannot be done without encouragement.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Signs
  2. Reasons
  3. How to wean your pet