Cats Purring: Why They Do It and How It Affects Us

21.05.2023 07:20

Cats are amazing animals that can communicate with humans and other cats in a variety of ways.

They can meow, hiss, growl, grumble and, of course, purr.

Purring is one of the most common and pleasant sounds cats make. But why do they do it and what do they want to say?

How do cats purr?

Scientists still haven't fully figured out the mechanism behind cats' purring. There are several hypotheses about how they produce this sound.

One of them suggests that purring is caused by vibrations of the vocal cords in the cat's larynx when inhaling and exhaling.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Another hypothesis states that purring is related to the work of the diaphragm and blood vessels in the cat's chest. A third hypothesis explains purring as a result of air vibrations in the cat's bronchi and lungs.

In any case, purring is a complex and unique process that requires a certain mood and state from the cat.

Purring varies in frequency and intensity depending on the situation and the cat's purpose.

Why do cats purr?

Purring is one of the ways cats communicate. They may purr for different reasons and in different circumstances. Here are some of them:

• Cats purr when they are content, happy and relaxed. This is the most common time we hear our pets purr. They purr when we pet them, feed them or just hug them. This is a way to express gratitude, trust and love for a person or another cat.

• Cats purr when they want to get or achieve something. It could be food, affection, play, or attention. Cats can tune into human hearing and make their purring higher and shriller so that we cannot ignore it. This is how they show their desires and needs.

• Cats purr when they are stressed, in pain or afraid. This could be a visit to the vet, moving to a new place, a fight with another cat or an injury. In such cases, purring is a way to calm themselves and reduce the level of cortisol, the stress hormone. Purring can also help cats heal wounds and strengthen bones, as the vibrations of the sound stimulate blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

• Cats purr when they meet new people or animals. This is a way to show their friendliness. Cats may purr when they approach a stranger or allow themselves to be petted. This is how they say, “I am not dangerous, I want to be a friend.”

How Cat Purring Is Beneficial to Humans

Cats' purring is not only pleasant to listen to, but also beneficial to our health and mood. Here are some of its benefits:

• Cats' purring reduces stress and depression in humans. Listening to this sound, we relax and calm down. Our blood pressure and heart rate normalize. We feel happier and more satisfied.

• Cats' purring improves our immunity and general health. Sound vibrations can stimulate our cells and tissues, accelerating their renewal and healing. Cats' purring can also help with joint, muscle or head pain, as well as with insomnia or bronchial asthma.

• Cats' purring strengthens our bond with our pet and increases our self-esteem. When we hear our cat purring with pleasure or gratitude, we feel needed and important to her. We understand her emotions and needs better. We become more responsible and caring owners.

These were the main reasons and beneficial effects of cats purring. If you want to hear this sound more often, pay more attention to your pet.

Pet him, play with him, feed him delicious food. And your cat will respond with its soft and warm purr.

Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. How do cats purr?
  2. Why do cats purr?
  3. How Cat Purring Is Beneficial to Humans