How to choose a cat according to the zodiac sign: breeds and characters

10.05.2023 19:02

Many people are so fascinated by astrology and other mysticism that they choose their life partner by consulting the stars.

Others go even further and choose their pets in exactly the same way. We will tell you which cat breeds are suitable for certain zodiac signs.


A Bengal cat will suit these cheerful individuals. The reason is the original coloring of the breed, similar to a leopard. The cat leads an active lifestyle and will not let the owner get bored. Or vice versa.


It is believed that British Shorthairs are suitable for these people. They are distinguished by their docile nature, they are calmer than Bengals, and they are also distinguished by their thoughtfulness.


These people love companies, which means the cat should not be afraid of guests' visits. Here we can recommend the Siamese breed. They are energetic, friendly, but it is better to buy a pair - they do not tolerate loneliness well.

Photo: © Belnovosti


These are emotional natures, sensitive and caring, and therefore they need a cat that is just as docile and sensitive, which is what the Birman cat is aiming for. It will steadfastly endure long hugs and will be ready to play with its owner and cuddle for days on end.


A similarly stern owner would be well-suited to a no less stern Siberian cat. Together they will create a harmonious couple.


These earthly individuals who love to work on themselves and others, elevating relationships to the level of perfectionism, will suit a Persian cat - friendly, soft and unobtrusive.


Without harmony, it is difficult for these people. It is believed that Maine Coons, which are distinguished by their trustfulness and devotion, will suit them. This breed will not share space with just anyone.


They say that these are reserved people who defend their opinions with foam at the mouth. A blue cat will suit them, which is good at making contact, even with such a tyrant as Scorpio.


Optimists need equally energetic pets. The stars chose the Norwegian Forest Cat for this role. A temperamental breed, curious and requiring free space for an active life.


They are distinguished by their tenacity, endurance and goal-oriented nature. The Egyptian Mau is a good choice for these persistent individuals.


People of this sign are independent, sociable, and do not tolerate loneliness. They should choose a European shorthair as a friend. The cat is friendly and docile, thanks to which it can become friends with Aquarius firmly and for a long time.


One of the most peaceful signs, who tries to avoid arguments and quarrels. They should consider the Somali cat - active and cheerful.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Aries
  2. Taurus
  3. Twins
  4. Cancer
  5. Lion
  6. Virgo
  7. Scales
  8. Scorpion
  9. Sagittarius
  10. Capricorn
  11. Aquarius
  12. Fish