What 4 things do most domestic cats hate?

01.05.2023 13:30

Cats and kittens are the favorite pets of many people, who delight with their quirks, affection and playfulness.

However, these furry creatures have their own preferences and things that can sometimes surprise or irritate their owners.

In this article, we'll tell you about four things that most domestic cats hate and why.

1. Water

Cats are not aquatic animals, and most of them do not like contact with water.

This is because water disrupts the thermal insulation of the cat's fur and makes it vulnerable to cold and disease.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, water can be unexpected or unpredictable for a cat, which causes fear or mistrust. Therefore, cats do not like to bathe, drink from a bowl of water, or even see water on the floor or on the window.

2. Loud sounds

Cats have very sensitive hearing, which allows them to navigate in space and hunt prey.

However, this same hearing makes them vulnerable to loud and sudden sounds such as thunder, sirens, vacuum cleaners or music.

Such sounds cause stress, fear and anxiety in cats. Therefore, it is better not to create additional noise in the presence of your pet or provide him with a quiet and calm place to rest.

3. Strange animals or people

Cats are territorial animals that value their space and freedom. They do not like it when strange animals or people who may pose a threat to their safety or resources come into their territory. Such animals include other cats, dogs, rodents or birds.

These people include strangers or guests of the owner who do not know the rules of communication with the cat. Therefore, cats can show aggression, fear or hide from unwanted visitors.

4. Care procedures

Cats are very clean animals that can take care of their own hygiene and beauty. They do not like being forced to do something they do not like or do not need.

These procedures include nail trimming, bathing, ear or teeth cleaning, medications, or vaccinations. These procedures may cause pain, discomfort, or a change in the cat's natural scent.

Therefore, it is better to accustom the cat to them from an early age or do them as carefully and quickly as possible.

Cats are amazing creatures that can give their owners a lot of joy and warmth.

However, in order to live with them in harmony and understanding, you need to take into account their characteristics and preferences.

We hope this article will help you get to know your pet better and avoid the things he hates.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Water
  2. 2. Loud sounds
  3. 3. Strange animals or people
  4. 4. Care procedures