Dog jumps on person when meeting: why does it do it, how to wean it off

16.04.2023 15:40

If your dog jumps on you when you meet him, it can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, especially if he is large and strong.

Therefore, it is worth figuring out why she can jump and how to wean her off it.

Why do dogs jump on people

Dogs jump on people because they want to get attention and show their joy and excitement. They may also jump to ask for food or a game, or simply because they don't know how to properly behave when meeting someone.

How to Stop a Dog from Jumping on You

The first step is to teach your dog the command "Sit." Once your dog knows this command, you can use it to manage behavior. When he starts jumping on you, say "Sit" and give him a treat. This will strengthen the association between the command and the reward, and your dog will begin to understand that good behavior leads to a reward.

Teaching a dog the "Sit" command

Teaching a dog to sit is easy, especially if you use positive training. Start by holding a treat in front of the dog's nose, then raise your hand with the treat above its head. The dog should naturally raise its head to follow the treat, and when it does, use your hand to lower its rear end. Of course, this command is not always easy to teach quickly, but animals will willingly obey it.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Play more often

It is important to play with your pet to satisfy the need for communication and attention. Animals love to be active, so each person should take appropriate measures.

Use rewards and praise

Finally, don't forget to reward good behavior. If she doesn't jump on you, praise her and give her a treat. This way, the dog will understand that her behavior is desirable and will try to behave that way in the future.

It is important to understand that jumping on people is a common problem that can be solved with training and patience. Training a dog takes time and effort, but the results will be worth it. The dog will become more well-behaved and sociable, and you will be able to enjoy its company.

Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Why do dogs jump on people
  2. How to Stop a Dog from Jumping on You
  3. Teaching a dog the "Sit" command
  4. Play more often
  5. Use rewards and praise