Personal data processing policy

11.03.2024 18:31
Updated: 02.10.2024 22:12

This Policy defines the activities of Media Novosti LLC , located at the address: Republic of Belarus, 220123, Minsk, Vera Khoruzhey Street 32a-2, office 4 (hereinafter referred to as the “ Enterprise ”), in connection with the processing of personal data:

  • users and visitors of;
  • customers of services on;
  • heroes, experts participating in the advertising and information materials of the Enterprise;
  • persons who submitted requests (applications, complaints, suggestions) or those indicated in such requests;
  • job seekers;
  • students, cadets, listeners;
  • users of social networks (hereinafter collectively referred to as “ personal data subject(s) ”).

The policy is approved in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.05.2021 No. 99-Z "On the Protection of Personal Data" (hereinafter referred to as the Law), explains to personal data subjects how and for what purposes their personal data is collected, used or otherwise processed, reflects the rights available to personal data subjects in this regard and the mechanism for their implementation.

The policy does not apply to the processing of personal data in the course of work activities, during administrative procedures (in relation to employees and former employees of the Enterprise), during video filming in the office of the Enterprise, as well as the processing of cookies.


1. Terms and definitions

The Policy uses terms that have the following meanings:

1.1. Automated processing is the processing of personal data using computer technology (applications and other computer programs, databases, computers, etc.).

1.2. Anonymization is a synonym for “deletion/destruction”: actions that make it impossible to restore personal data in information resources (systems) containing personal data, and the ability to link the remaining data to a specific subject is lost.

1.3. Information resource — an Internet resource located on the Internet, in the domain, including its subdomains.

1.4. Processing of personal data is an action or set of actions performed with personal data, including collection, systematization, storage, modification, use, depersonalization, distribution, provision, blocking, deletion/destruction of personal data or their anonymization.

The specific list of actions with personal data depends on the purpose of processing personal data and is indicated below in Section 2 of the Policy in the table.

1.5. Personal data – any information relating to an identified individual or an individual who can be identified.

The specific list of personal data processed by the Company depends on the purpose of processing personal data and is indicated below in Section 2 of the Policy in the table.

1.6. User – user (visitor) of

1.7. Provision — actions aimed at familiarization with the personal data of a certain person or group of persons who are not employees of the Enterprise.

1.8. Mixed processing is the processing of personal data on paper media and using computer technology (applications and other computer programs, databases, computers, etc.).

1.9. Subject of personal data – an individual in relation to whom personal data is processed.

The list of personal data subjects depends on the purpose of personal data processing and is indicated below in Section 2 of the Policy in the table.

1.10. Deletion/Destruction — actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore personal data in information resources (systems) containing personal data, and (or) as a result of which the material carriers of personal data are destroyed.

2. Purposes, volume, procedure, methods, legal grounds for processing personal data. Storage period of personal data

List of abbreviations:

Law — Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.05.2021 No. 99-Z “On the Protection of Personal Data”;

Law on Mass Media — Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 17.07.2008 No. 427-Z “On Mass Media”;

PSM — Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus;

Purposes of personal data processing

Categories of personal data subjects whose data are processed

List of processed

of personal data

Legal grounds for processing personal data

Processing methods

Storage period of personal data

Information resource:

1. Provision of Internet services through individually

to entrepreneurs

million and legal entities

customers of services on (individual entrepreneurs)

individuals (individual entrepreneurs), representatives of legal entities (legal entities))

IP address, information about the user's device, last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur/representative

legal entity, position of legal entity representative, telephone number, email address, legal/

postal address of the individual entrepreneur, other information and documents provided within the framework of the public agreement

Paragraph 15 of Article 6 of the Law (conclusion and execution of the contract)

Mixed processing:

collection, systematization, storage, use, modification, provision, distribution, deletion/destruction

3 years after the end of the contract, after a tax audit, if a tax audit was not conducted - 10 years (in relation to data from concluded contracts, signed documents to it)

2. Direction of information mailing

Users of the site

IP address, user device information





systematization, storage,


provision, change,

blocking, deletion

3 years from the date of last activity on

3. Preparation and publication of advertising and (or) informational

materials (articles, videos, etc.)


Name, surname, patronymic, telephone number, e-mail address, audio or video recording of the interview, information provided during the interview, image (photographs, video images)

(with sound)

Paragraph 15 of Article 6 of the Law (conclusion and execution of the contract)

Mixed processing:

collection, systematization, storage, use, modification, depersonalization, provision, distribution (in terms of interview results and information permitted for publication by the subject under a concluded agreement), cross-border transfer, deletion/destruction


4. Participation as an expert in advertising and (or) informational materials (articles, videos, etc.)


Name, surname, patronymic, image of the expert (image, speech and other information provided by the expert for advertising and/or informational material)

Paragraph 15 of Article 6 of the Law (conclusion and execution of the contract)

Mixed processing:

collection, systematization, storage, use, modification, depersonalization, provision, distribution (in terms of images, information provided for informational/

advertising material), cross-border transfer, removal/destruction


5. Expression of expert opinion and use of the image of the expert (image, speech and other information provided by the expert)


Image, last name, first name, year of birth, other information provided by the expert

Paragraph 15 of Article 6 of the Law (conclusion and execution of the contract)

Mixed processing:

collection, identification, systematization, storage, use, modification, provision, distribution (in terms of images, information provided for information material), cross-border transfer, blocking, deletion/



Other data processing

6. Consideration of written requests (applications, proposals, complaints)

Persons who submitted the appeal /

other persons whose personal data are indicated in the application

Surname, first name, patronymic, address of place of residence (place of stay), telephone number or email address (in relation to requests for processing personal data), the essence of the request, other personal data specified in the request

Paragraph 20 of Article 6 of the Law (Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 18.07.2011 No. 300-Z "On Appeals of Citizens and Legal Entities")

Mixed processing:

collection, systematization, storage, use, modification, provision, blocking, deletion/destruction

5 years from the date of the last request

7. Conducting practical training for students, cadets, and listeners

Students, cadets, listeners

Surname, name, patronymic, address of residence, passport series and number, education information

Paragraph 20 of Article 6 of the Law; paragraph 17 of the Regulation on the practice of students, cadets, listeners, approved by PSM dated 03.06.2010 No. 860

Mixed processing:

collection, storage, modification, use,

provision, corporate e-mail), deletion/


3 years after the expiration of the contract, the tax authorities have conducted an audit of compliance with tax legislation. If the tax authorities have not conducted an audit of compliance with tax legislation - 10 years after the expiration of the contract

8. Managing social networks, including working with comments and messages

Social media users

Nickname, other information left by the user of social networks for public information

Paragraph 19 of Article 6 of the Law (extended

(made by the subject himself or with his consent)

Automated processing: collection, storage, use, provision, deletion

During the period of use of social networks

3. Persons who receive personal data or access to it (authorized persons and third parties)

3.1. The Company may engage authorized persons to process personal data.

Authorized persons are government bodies and organizations that, on behalf of or in the interests of the Enterprise, perform part or all of the actions with personal data (process personal data).

3.2. In some cases, personal data may be transferred to third parties who process (collect, use, etc.) them in their own interests (hereinafter referred to as independent operators), or third parties may be granted access to personal data without processing them (hereinafter referred to as access recipients).

3.3. The Company, if necessary to achieve the processing purposes specified in this Policy, has the right to transfer data to the third parties listed below, as well as other third parties in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus:

  • Yandex Metrica is a web analytics service provided by Yandex LLC. Address: Moscow, Leo Tolstoy St., 16, 119021 ( Yandex Privacy Policy );
  • Yandex Advertising Network (Yandex Mobile Ads, ADFOX) is a contextual advertising service provided by Yandex Europe AG, Werftestrasse 4, CH-6005 Luzern, Switzerland;
  • Google Advertising Network is a contextual advertising service provided by Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House Barrow Street Dublin 4, D04E5W5 Ireland;
  • Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Address: Google, Google Data Protection Office, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ( Google Privacy Policy ).
  • Google Tag Manager –

4. Rights of personal data subjects

4.1. The subject of personal data has the following rights:

You have the right

Actions of the site administration

The period of action taken by the site administration

Withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data

Stop processing personal data, delete data, ensure that authorized persons stop processing personal data, and notify you of the actions taken.

If it is not technically possible to delete the data, take measures to prevent further processing of the data, including blocking it, and notify you of this

15 days

Obtain information regarding the processing of your personal data

Provide you with information in an accessible form or notify you of the reasons for refusing to provide it. The response to the request must contain:
1) location of the Enterprise;
2) confirmation of the fact of processing of personal data by the Enterprise;

3) the personal data processed and the source from which they were obtained;
4) legal grounds and purposes of processing personal data;

5) the period for which consent to the processing of personal data is given;

6) the name and location of the authorized person to whom the Enterprise transfers the data for processing

5 working days

Request that your personal data be corrected if the data is incomplete, outdated or inaccurate

Make the appropriate changes to your personal data and notify you of this or notify you of the reasons for refusing to make such changes

15 days

Request free termination of the processing of your personal data, including its deletion, if there are no grounds for processing personal data

Stop processing personal data, as well as delete it, ensure that authorized persons stop processing personal data and notify you of this.

If it is not technically possible to delete the data, take measures to prevent further processing of the data, including blocking it, and notify the subject of the personal data about this.

The operator has the right to refuse to satisfy the requirements to stop processing your data and (or) delete it if there are grounds for processing the data provided for by legislative acts, including if they are necessary for the stated purposes of their processing, with notification of this to you.

15 days

Appeal the actions (inaction) and decisions of the Enterprise related to the processing of personal data to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects

Fulfil the requirement of the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects

5. Procedure for the implementation of rights by personal data subjects

5.1. In order to exercise their rights related to the processing of personal data, the subject of personal data must submit to the Enterprise an application in writing (signed personally) by mail to the address 220123, Minsk, Vera Khoruzhey Street 32a-2, office 4;

5.2. The application shall indicate:

– last name, first name, patronymic of the subject of personal data;

– address of place of residence (place of stay);

– date of birth;

– identification number or other passport data (if the data processing was carried out without the consent of the subject of personal data);

– statement of the essence of the requirement;

- personal signature.

5.3. For questions regarding the processing of personal data by the Company, you can contact us by e-mail at You can leave your feedback about our company on Google.

6. Final Provisions

6.1 The enterprise adopts and improves organizational and technical measures to protect the personal data of personal data subjects.

6.2. Issues related to the processing of personal data that are not set out in this Policy are regulated by the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.05.2021 No. 99-Z "On the Protection of Personal Data" and other legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

6.3. If any provision of this Policy is deemed to be contrary to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the remaining provisions of the Policy shall remain in force and valid, and any invalid provision shall be deemed deleted and/or amended to the extent necessary to ensure its compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

6.4. The Company has the right, at its own discretion, to unilaterally change and/or supplement the terms of this Policy without prior notice to the subjects of personal data by posting a new version of the Policy on

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, when changing the Policy, it may be necessary to obtain the consent of the personal data subject again.

Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. 1. Terms and definitions
  2. 2. Purposes, volume, procedure, methods, legal grounds for processing personal data. Storage period of personal data
  3. 3. Persons who receive personal data or access to it (authorized persons and third parties)
  4. 4. Rights of personal data subjects
  5. 5. Procedure for the implementation of rights by personal data subjects
  6. 6. Final Provisions