A person who holds a grudge and resentment against someone harms not the enemy, but himself.
This is why you can't hold a grudge against anyone for too long!
The habit of “accumulating” grievances leads to very bad psychological consequences.
A person who cannot forgive someone for years is unlikely to become happy.
Want to have fewer problems in your life? Then try to let go of the feeling of resentment.
This behavior has an extremely negative impact on a person.
The main consequence is the emergence of the status of "victim". A person who is unable to forgive others begins to feel that he is always being offended, that he is always being treated unfairly.
It is difficult for the “eternal victim” to find a common language with others: such a person sees people only as “enemies”.
Mistrust and a sense of danger appear, which clearly do not contribute to full-fledged communication.
And the status of “victim” seriously reduces self-esteem.
There is another potential negative consequence: the habit of “accumulating” grievances makes a person overly emotional, sullen, and irritable.
This condition not only interferes with communication with people, but can also negatively affect health.