Experts have revealed the age at which you can undergo electrolysis to permanently remove hair

17.01.2025 06:20

It has been revealed from what age one can undergo the now fashionable electrolysis.

For those who don't know, this is a procedure for removing hair from the body. Forever.

Experts say that such activity should not be undertaken before the age of 18, except in certain cases.

Why such an age? Because, experts say, by this time the body is fully formed, and the hormonal background is established.

But if hair is actively growing on the face and neck, then electrolysis can be started at 15-16 years of age.

Photo: Pixabay

However, in this case, parental permission is required.

Since each person is individual, experts recommend consulting with an electrolysis specialist before the procedure.

And if the need arises, you should also talk to a gynecologist.

Experts say that the main advantage of this method is the disappearance of body hair – forever.

The fact is that a small electric discharge destroys the hair follicle.

But there are also disadvantages. For example, if the procedure is required for a small area of skin, you will need to undergo several sessions.

The second disadvantage is that the procedure is expensive.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor