Completely stains. Cola, coffee, tea and red wine: what destroys teeth the most

20.01.2025 07:24

A dental experiment was conducted in California to determine how harmful certain drinks are to teeth.

We are talking about Coca-Cola, tea, coffee and red wine.

The author of the experiment, dentist Miles Madison, wanted to find out which of the listed drinks stains teeth the most.

As Western media write, the result surprised even him.

The essence of the experiment was as follows: a specialist soaked 4 extracted teeth in different drinks for 10 days.

Photo: © Belnovosti

After this period of time, it turned out that the red wine had almost completely colored the tooth purple.

At the same time, both the enamel and the root became colored.

And the cola not only stained the tooth dark, but also almost corroded its structure.

In fact, small pits appeared on it, which the dentist attributed to the acidic properties of the cola.

The acid eroded the enamel and root structure of the tooth.

As for tea and coffee, the former stained the tooth to a lesser extent than the latter drink.

The coffee turned the tooth yellowish, while the root acquired a rich brown color.

After the tea had been soaked, the root of the tooth that had been in it developed a light brown tint, and the enamel became less discolored.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor