Even a smart person can seem stupid.
For example, if he makes some stupid mistake.
No one is immune from this. There is only one thing left to do: simply accept the existence of such a risk.
However, some things can still be avoided. For example, saying certain phrases.
At first glance, these remarks are ordinary and quite harmless.
In fact, the following expressions make a person appear less intelligent in the eyes of others.
Try not to say these phrases anymore.
It would seem that there is something so terrible in this phrase? A person simply refuses something, citing being busy.
But here's the problem: If you start saying this line too often, people around you might draw the wrong conclusion about you: "He's always complaining about not having enough time. Maybe he just can't manage his day properly? Maybe he's not very smart?"
A person who is unwilling to take responsibility for a mistake that was clearly his own fault looks very stupid.
A person who vehemently denies the possibility of a particular event, but at the same time does not understand the issue very well, is also perceived by others as not very smart.
This excuse is pretty stupid, but for some reason many people use it.