Everyone knows how difficult it is to build a decent reputation in the eyes of colleagues, family, friends and acquaintances.
Many people work for years so that others can respect them.
However, sometimes certain misdeeds make all previous efforts meaningless.
Decent people will not lie. If they do not want to tell the truth, they will find a way to remain silent without lying. Lies are always discovered.
As a result of deception, you can forget about your reputation as a decent person.
A person's decency is reflected in their marriage. If people cheat and do not respect their partner, then there can be no talk of decency.
After all, for such a person, family should always come first.
Many have heard that decent people will do anything to keep their promises. This is true. If they know that it will be difficult to fulfill something, they will simply not throw words to the wind.
It only takes one failure to keep your word to lose your reputation.