4 Things That Are Banned in Europe: We Do It Here and Enjoy Life

01.07.2024 20:29

Some European countries are known to have very strange bans.

We'll tell you about four things for which you can get a fine in Europe.

4 Things That Are Banned in Europe

Firstly, there is a ban on spending the night at a dacha. It is in effect in Germany.

There are also strictly regulated regulations on the number of buildings on a summer cottage plot, the height of the fence and what plants will be grown.

All these issues are spelled out in the rules of the gardening association, for violation of which a fine is imposed.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Secondly, a ban on snowball fights. It was introduced by the Belgian authorities.

They believe that this game poses a health risk. Violation of the ban is punishable by a fine of 100 euros.

Thirdly, a ban on building sandcastles on the beach. This applies, in particular, in Majorca on the Malagouf beach and in Italy in the commune of Eraclea.

The ban is explained by the fact that sand castles can interfere with the work of rescuers.

In addition, in Spain, Italy and Croatia it is prohibited to be in a swimsuit outside the beach. The fine for violating this ban is up to 120 euros.

Earlier we talked about what determines the volume of snoring.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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