Satisfying Tactile Hunger: What Should People Do When They Miss Hugs and Physical Intimacy?

23.05.2024 10:46

Tactile hunger is a concept from psychology that is used to describe the need for physical contact and touch.

Coping with a lack of physical intimacy and hugs can be difficult, so in this article we have collected ways to help you get rid of the feeling of tactile hunger, even if you are single.

Wrap yourself in a heavy blanket

Its weight will make you feel a sensation similar to that of being pressed against someone.

So, quickly get comfortable in bed, pull a weighted blanket over yourself and wrap it around your body – its weight will deceive your brain, which will think that someone is hugging you right now.

Hug the pillow

Buy a long, large pillow and put it in your bed to hug while you sleep - such a product can imitate a human hug, and scientists have found that by hugging inanimate objects, we reduce stress and improve our mental state.

Photo: Pixabay

Make some tea or coffee

Fill a cup with steaming tea or coffee and hold the container of warm liquid in your hands – this will help you feel a sense of peace.

If you decide to use this method before bed, brew herbal tea or decaffeinated coffee to avoid stimulating your nervous system.

Earlier we talked about why you shouldn’t cross your arms over your chest during a conversation.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Wrap yourself in a heavy blanket
  2. Hug the pillow
  3. Make some tea or coffee

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