How to Stop Spending Money on Stuff: The 24-Hour Rule Will Help

18.05.2024 09:57

Enjoying shopping is a completely normal thing, until your spending gets out of control.

If you feel like your shopping spree is putting your finances at risk, try implementing the 24-hour rule into your life.

Its essence is painfully simple and is as follows.

Before making another unplanned purchase, you need to wait. How long? The answer is in the name of the rule itself - exactly one day.

During your time out, be sure to ask yourself a few questions.


You will need to consider whether you really need the product, whether the purchase meets your financial goals, and why you need to make the purchase now.

Finally, ask yourself - perhaps you know of alternatives that cost less or are more effective.

As a result of the “cooling off” period, you will be able to distinguish between your true needs and the fleeting desire that arose.

Earlier we talked about how to make friends with your enemy.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor