How to React to Envy Correctly: Experts Reveal Secrets

19.05.2024 15:15

Many people who lead a fairly simple life and cannot boast of dizzying romances and high earnings can still face envy.

This cannot but evoke unpleasant emotions.

However, it is important to learn how to respond to this correctly.

What tricks will help with this?

It means you are better at something.

People who have not achieved anything objectively are unlikely to be envied by anyone, since there is no reason for this. Therefore, you can reassure yourself that this is proof of your achievements.

Although envy itself is unpleasant, even it can be used to benefit your self-esteem.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

Ignore it

Sometimes experts advise not to react to envy in any way, since people's goal was to hurt you. If you show that you don't care, people will understand that their efforts are pointless.

Put it in place

Experts note that situations can be complex and different. If envy has really hurt you, you can simply put the offender in his place.

After one such "practice" a person is unlikely to want to offend you again.

Earlier we talked about why people deceive each other .

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What tricks will help with this?
  2. It means you are better at something.
  3. Ignore it
  4. Put it in place

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