How not to ruin your life with someone else's ring: tips and signs

18.08.2023 15:34
Updated: 23.01.2024 20:27

The ring is not just a decoration, but a symbol of infinity, the cycle of life and fate. The ring has a closed shape, which does not allow the owner's energy to be discharged.

Therefore, the ring accumulates all the positive and negative emotions, thoughts and desires of the person who wears it.

If you try on someone else's ring, you risk taking on someone else's energy, which may be incompatible with yours or even harmful to you.

What are the dangers of trying on someone else's ring?

There are many folk signs that say that you can't try on someone else's rings. Here are some of them:

  • If you try on someone else's wedding ring, you will disrupt the harmony in someone else's family and bring upon yourself failures in your personal life. You may become the object of jealousy or hatred of the former or current partner of the ring owner.
  • If you try on a dead person's ring, you will anger their spirit and become subject to their influence. You may repeat their fate or become a victim of their curse.
  • If you try on a ring with a gemstone, you may experience the negative impact of its energy. Stones have their own properties and character that may not suit you or conflict with your goals.

How to avoid negative consequences from trying on someone else's ring?

If you decide to try on someone else's ring, you should follow some rules to minimize the risk of negative consequences:

Photo: © Belnovosti
  • Do not put someone else's ring on your ring finger, as this is the most energetically active finger, associated with the heart and love.
  • Don't wear someone else's ring for a long time, but take it off as soon as possible.
  • After trying on someone else's ring, try to cleanse your energy from someone else's influence. To do this, you can wash your hands with cold water, run a magnet or coin over them, light a candle or incense.
  • If you suspect that the ring has negative energy or a curse, then consult a specialist in jewelry cleansing or do it yourself. For this, you can use salt, earth, moonlight or prayer.

What rings can you try on without fear?

Not all rings are dangerous for the person trying them on. There are exceptions when you can safely put on someone else's jewelry without fear for your fate. These are the cases:

  • If the ring is new and no one has worn it before, you can try it on without risk. Such a ring has not yet absorbed someone else's energy and has no connection with someone's fate.
  • If you inherited the ring from a relative or friend, you can wear it as a talisman. Such a ring gives you ancestral power and protection from troubles. However, if you know that the owner of the ring had a hard or unhappy life, it is better to consecrate or clean it.
  • If the ring is given to you with love and good wishes, then you can wear it as an amulet. Such a ring strengthens your connection with the giver and helps you achieve your goals. However, if you feel that the ring is pressing on you or bothering you, then it is better to take it off.


A ring is not only a beautiful decoration, but also a powerful energy attribute that can influence a person's fate and character. Therefore, you should not be frivolous about trying on other people's rings, as this can bring you trouble or even disaster.

Follow folk signs and advice from experts to avoid negative consequences from contact with someone else's energy.

Wear only your own rings or those given to you with love, which will protect you and help you in life.

Author: Dmitry Liskovich Internet resource editor

  1. What are the dangers of trying on someone else's ring?
  2. How to avoid negative consequences from trying on someone else's ring?
  3. What rings can you try on without fear?
  4. Conclusion