Avoiding troubles is a completely understandable desire of every person. Everyone wants to foresee what awaits in the future.
You can turn to fortune tellers, astrologers and other mystics for help, but their comments are sometimes so vague that it is unlikely that you will be able to clarify the situation.
Folk omens come to the rescue in this regard. In this case, everything is simple: if it happened, do not expect anything good.
If a person meets a stranger who looks like him, then he should not be happy about the meeting. People believe that by looking into such a "reflection", a person will look death in the eye.
But it is not specified which of the doubles should be more feared.
If someone is sick, the bird can become a harbinger of sad events.
If everyone in the house is healthy, then the appearance of the bird should be interpreted as an infernal message. Perhaps deceased relatives want to warn about something important.
Even in the invasion of rodents, people saw a series of troubles. It is believed that rodents destroy the clothes and shoes of the person who is soon destined to leave this world.
They say that if a dog howls long and hard, it means a dead person. If it howls with its head up, there will be a fire.
Nothing good either. There are no good signs about burial places. But if a person stumbles here, they say that a place in the earth is already prepared for him.
A fall near a grave can be interpreted as a warning about something important or even fatal.
Previously, we talked about how to understand what someone thinks about you .